Accumulate Wallet

by Accumulate



The Accumulate Wallet allows you to secure, manage, and transact with Accumulate’s native token ACME. This wallet works on the Accumulate Network. You can create data accounts, data entries, wallets, tokens, and accounts. You can also acquire credits to transact on the Accumulate Network. Accumulate is a new type of blockchain that is organized around identity. Accumulate Digital Identifiers (ADIs) allow you to set up a readable and memorable identity for your account. ABOUT ACCUMULATEAccumulate is a high-performance blockchain for DeFi, integrating blockchains, protocols, oracles, and applications, serving as a bridge for the new digital economy. Accumulate shifts the paradigm for how blockchains manage data, tokens, and users with an identity-based, Proof-of-Stake blockchain offering secure, scalable, and extensible features to power DeFi applications.